Can Women Easily Lose Weight?

weight loss

Women trying to lose weight is a huge moneymaker for the industry because most dieters are female. The social pressure on women to be lean is enormous, and most women have tried a diet at least once in their lifetime.

Billions of dollars are spent each year. Weight loss is typically more difficult for women than men do for a variety of reasons. Why is this, given that weight loss physiology is the same for men and women?

What Makes It So Difficult To Lose Weight?

It has a lot to do with body composition, namely the distribution of muscle and fat. Having a curvaceous, natural-looking physique with a lot of body fat was considered attractive when Reubens was painting; today, it is not.

Models and Hollywood actresses’ super-slim body shapes are now viewed as the ideal, even though many women cannot achieve them, no matter how hard they try!

The excess fat is carried around the abdomen. Thus, an overweight man’s body is commonly referred to as an “apple.” On the other hand, females tend to resemble “pears,” with the majority of their body fat concentrated in the lower body parts such as the buttocks, hips, and thighs, in addition to the breasts.

When food is scarce, your upper body fat serves a protective function. Lower body fat and breast tissue, on the other hand, serve primarily to support pregnancy and breastfeed a child.

The fetus, like the infant, needs nourishment to grow. Breast milk provides about 500 calories per day on average for the two of them.

Upper and lower body fat are seen in both males and women. So it’s merely that estrogen causes fat to be accumulated in the lower body and breast tissue because of women’s hormonal balance.

Weight Gain During Pregnancy and Its Effects

Pregnancy-related body fat was essential since women were pregnant for most of human history until their fertility declined.

However, in recent years, especially in Western nations, women have fewer children and don’t require as much body fat – but their bodies haven’t changed to match these shifting dietary and lifestyle trends. Instead, women’s bodies are built to store less fat, which means they fight extra hard to keep it from being lost.

To make matters worse, using contraceptives can exacerbate the situation. Birth control pills make it more difficult for women to lose weight because they increase fat and water storage in the body.

If women on the pill wish to maintain their pre-pill weight, they may have to cut their calorie consumption by roughly 10% or increase their exercise by 10%.

Furthermore, shedding few pounds of body fat might be a real challenge! Lower body fat is more difficult to eliminate than upper body fat.

As a result, males, who tend to store most of their body fat around the abdomen, have an easier time slimming down. Dieting alone can be inefficient in helping women lose weight and keep it off in the long term when it comes to having lower body fat. Thus, making it harder for women to lose weight.

What’s The Best Way To Lose Weight Permanently?

What then is the solution? Increasing your metabolism or the number of calories your body expends each day is the obvious solution to your problem.

Exercising aids fat loss and muscle growth. Muscle mass increases daily caloric expenditure.

Again, this disadvantages women, whose muscle mass is often smaller than men’s, making them require fewer calories per pound of body weight.

Each pound of muscle burns around 14 calories at rest and up to 50 calories when you’re working out.

In addition, women are more likely than males to be overweight or obese, with an average body fat percentage of 25 percent for women at a healthy weight and 15 percent for men.

Fat burns far fewer calories at rest than muscle, which is why it’s such a good source of stored energy. The difference between how many calories women and men require each day means that losing weight for women is far more difficult.

Increase Your Level of Physical Activity to Lose Weight Faster

There is no denying that the more physically active you are daily and the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn and the more weight you will lose. Exercise to enhance metabolism, burn calories, and develop muscular tissue is the key to effective weight loss for women.

However, you must be realistic about your goals. Avoid false preconceptions and any media-distorted representations of your ideal body shape, and accept yourself for who you are, weight, and body type be damned.

For women to successfully lose weight, they must not go on and off a diet for the rest of their lives. Be sure to keep your health and well-being in check by eating well and exercising regularly. The only way to stop dieting and start living your life is to do this.

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